WinArchiver juga dapat me-mount arsip di drive virtual tanpa mengekstrak file arsip tersebut.
Sudah mendukung beberapa jenis format file berikut:. Zip (WinZip File), rar (WinRAR File), .7 z (7z Files), mzp (mountable Arsip), iso (CD / DVD Image File), 0,001 (7z Sub... volume),. arj, bz2,.. bzip2,. gz,. gzip,. tar,. Taz,. tbz,. tbz2,. tgz,. tpz,. taksi,. cpio,. deb,. lha,. LZH , rpm,.. split,. AAT,. wim (Windows Imaging File), z,.. daa (PowerISO File), bin,.. cue,. MDF,. MDS, ashdisc,.. BWI,. b5i,. lcd, img,.. CDI,. cif,. P01,. pdi,. NRG (Nero Image Disc),. NCD, PXI,.. gi,. FCD,. vcd,. C2D,. dmg (Apple Image Disc) , BIF,.. ima,. FLP,. UIF (File MagicISO).
- Open and extract zip, rar, 7z, and other archive files. WinArchiver can unzip all popular archives.
- Create zip, 7z, iso, and mzp files from hard disk files.
- Edit existing archive files.
- Mount zip, rar, and other files to virtual drives without extraction. You can use WinArchiver as a professional virtual drive software.
- Support unicode file names.
- Support multivolume, encryption, and archive comments.
- Support Windows Explorer shell integration.
- Support both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
Size: 1.63 MB
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