MathMagic Pro Edition For Adobe InDesign v5.5.2.23-Free Download Software Full and New Version with Key Activation

MathMagic Pro Edition For Adobe InDesign v5.5.2.23

MathMagic Pro Edition For Adobe InDesign - editor persamaan kerja untuk sebagian besar pada Adobe InDesign ® ™, berorientasi peneliti, guru dan siswa. Memungkinkan Anda untuk mengedit ekspresi matematika dan simbol khususnya melalui antarmuka WYSIWYG («Apa yang Anda Lihat adalah Apa yang Anda Dapatkan»). Software ini telah dilengkapi dengan perpustakaan yang luas dengan simbol matematika dan ilmiah, dalam satu set untuk seluruh template. Pengguna dapat menyimpan hasil kerja mereka dalam format JPEG, PDF, EPS dan TeX. MathMagic memungkinkan Anda untuk impor, ekspor dan transfer oleh «copy-paste» dokumen LaTeX konten dan untuk mengimpor file MathML. Daftar perbaikan termasuk meningkatkan kustomisasi gambar PICT parameter, serta dukungan karakter alfabet Eropa, dan tambahan coding. MathMagic adalah aplikasi yang berdiri sendiri dengan antarmuka pengguna yang intuitif. Bekerja dengan dia adalah yang sederhana seperti editor teks biasa, dan sehingga dapat menjadi ide yang baik untuk belajar jam berapa banyak

MathMagic Pro Edition for Adobe InDesign is an equation editor mainly for use with Adobe® InDesign™ software in editing any mathematical expressions and symbols with WYSIWYG interface and various powerful features.

You can make any equations with MathMagic Pro application very fast, and then send back to InDesign. MathMagic Plug-in allows you to place equations inside a text box as inline graphics, or floating graphic objects in EPS format. Once created, all equations are handled by InDesign just like other EPS graphic objects. But you can still edit those equations anytime just by double-clicking on it.

MathMagic Plug-in recognizes the baseline of equations automatically so that all equations match well with the baseline of the text line, even it allows you to shift the baseline manually as well.

There are many reasons why professional users choose MathMagic products.
But simply, the superior productivity and equation quality of MathMagic make users happy all the time.
The overall productivity that can save a lot of time and labor returns you the investment on software normally within 1 week ~ 1 month. The equation quality and customizable features meet the high-end users' complicated requirements.

Intelligent WYSIWYG editor with automatic equation formatting
Various & flexible keyboard shortcuts for power users
Configurable User Item palette and Clips palette for easier access and repeated use
StyleSet management for group-wide sharing of editing environment and settings

Many pre-defined Templates and Symbols in palettes that cover Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, Accounting, and other higher education
Various formats for compatibility with other software: EPS, PDF, JPEG, PICT, MathType™, LaTeX, and MathML

Wide range of quality fonts for mathematical symbols in TrueType and PostScript formats
Ability to customize Template shapes, thickness, gaps, position, and size up to 2400dpi resolution
EPS and PostScript printing for high-end users

Ease of Use
All graphic user interface, plus fast keyboard input support for many common templates and symbols
Multiple Undo & Redo, Drag&Drop, visual settings and Preview
Similar User Interface with Equation Editor™ and MathType™ to reduce any additional learning cost


7,8 Mb

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