Berikut penjelasan mengenai Xara 3D Maker dari sumbernya melalui media translate.. hehe.. "Maklum buta english" !
Xara 3D Maker v adalah sebuah tool Profesional pembuat grafis 3D yang memudahkan Anda dalam membuat grafis 3D Anda sendiri untuk nantinya dijadikan variasi template tampilan website anda supaya lebih menarik dan tampak profesional.
Xara 3D Maker v juga dirancang untuk membuat gifs animasi, tombol, grafik banner dan judul untuk presentasi dan halaman web. Anda mudah dapat menggunakan aplikasi ini untuk membuat gambar 3D, atau mengubah bentuk 2D ke 3D dengan perubahan sederhana mengusir kedalaman, pencahayaan, bevel, warna dan tekstur, bayangan, ukuran font dan jenis.
Fitur :
Creating and Importing
Editing and Applying Special Effects
Exporting Your Result
'Scroll in/out' animation type added:
A second new 'scroll in/out' animation type, which includes separate control over how the text enters and leaves the screen - so for example it could scroll in slowly from the right, hesitate and then exit quickly upwards!
Integration with MAGIX movie & slideshow products:
Xara 3D Maker 7 can export animations with a transparent background in a proprietary format called CFX which can be imported into MAGIX slideshow and movie editing software, Photostory on CD & DVD 9 and Movie Edit Pro 17. Which makes 3D Maker the perfect choice for creating overlaid 3D captions for movies or slideshows produced in MAGIX software.
Bevel types added:
7 new bevel types, increasing even further the range of different styles you can create.
'View options' panel:
A 'View options' panel which gives additional advanced control over the X/Y position of an image against its background, allows you to precisely change the angle of rotation and viewpoint, and offers a new wireframe mode which can simplify the display and speed up animation viewing time.
Save & restore:
Automatic save and restore of the current design on program exit and start-up, or on Windows shutdown.
Compatible with Windows 7:
Official Win 7 compatibility. Also optionally for Windows 7 rarely used fonts are hidden to unclutter the font list.
Easy access to samples:
Instant access to over 700 ready made Xara 3D Maker samples via a new Open Samples option in the File menu.
Other software compatibility:
You can now cut and paste your 3D images to Microsoft Word and other programs.
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